You can find the post here or the direct purchase link (not ours!) here.
The new version, 2.0, allows more bloggers, using either Blogger or WordPress (must have a hosting account) to use the tool. It does much more than simply help you sell ads - you are able to track the number of clicks, click through rate, number of clicks, impressions, plus other features.
In the near future (within 2 days), you will be able to browse their Marketplace to find sites that are using the tool and Entrecard.
What this means for bloggers:
- You will be able to purchase advertising on other blogs.
- You will be able to earn Entrecards through both the Entrecard system, selling ads through the widget.
- It will be easier to earn Entrecards and cash through the system, as $1 is roughly equal to 166 credits.
- Advertisers are more likely to continue advertising on your site, with the reports that they are given.
- It is easier to manage ads with the plugin.
- Google doesn't (as far as most people know) penalize sites selling links, banners, etc. through OIO, as tracking links are used instead.
Other Details:
- Entrecard makes a small commission on each sale, so this helps support the rollout of new Entrecard features.
- 12.5% of the Entrecards you spend go back to Entrecard to maintain inflation, sell back to members, etc. As far as I know, no fees beyond what PayPal takes will go to Entrecard.
My Thoughts:
This is a great addition to Entrecard, although many people will need to implement it before you can use it to its full advantage. However, I believe that purchasing ads on blogs through the Entrecard widget will become less of value, until the new marketplace/credit trade-in system is put in place. For example, if a blog costs 512 credits/day to advertise on with the Entrecard widget, but only 166/day with OIO Publisher/private ad sales, wouldn't you want to go with OIO Publisher?
There have been quite a number of people commenting on the price of the plugin. In a sense, it is high for someone who doesn't have much money they may never see again, but on the other hand, the price is the same as a 3-year domain, or 3 months of website hosting, not an extremely high price. Set the price at ~2,500 for a month, and you'll (theoretically) make the fee back within two sales.
Secondly, another issue that I see is with the decrease in prices and high availability of credits for sale - over 300,000 on the "Buy Credits" page - wouldn't this create higher inflation - something that everyone wanted to prevent before?
You can check out the full details of the money-saving offer or go directly to the OIO Publisher website (Entrecard affiliate link).
Note: Spend a few moments to vote on the Entrecard blog about the recent changes in the sidebar - length before a blog is removed with no updates, daily number of drops, etc.