Friday, December 19, 2008

A Losing Fight on Spam, Addressed

As you may be aware, Entrecard has had a long history, having to battle the spam blogs on the site and members who don't follow the rules of the site. However, some of that is expected to be cut down, as more volunteers, five specifically, are being asked to join the site.

This action may help cut down on the time between someone marks a blog as spam and action is taken against that blog, whether issuing a warning to comply with the terms or deleting and/or suspending their account(s). Generally, the main purpose is to draw in more higher quality blogs by removing those that a) don't have the widget installed, b) aren't really blogs, c) were simply added for promotion, or d) haven't updated or don't follow any of the other terms, quality standards.

Here's a brief look at the requirements and prerequisites.

First, you need to have some knowledge of the terms, fill out a form answering questions provided on the blog post, at least three hours to devote to answering questions, moderating blogs, and be able to get in contact with the owners/higher-up members to address issues that may arise.

Because this is ultimately a volunteering job, you aren't expected to be able to work the full time, but you should at least focus on some of the core issues that plague the system.

You can apply through the blog post through January 4th, 2009.

1 comment:

Bryan Karl said...

Is the comment above scam? Kidding. Anyways, if they give out incentives, a lot of bloggers would surely apply...