Friday, July 25, 2008

Quick Entrecard Links for July 25, 2008

Some quick links in respect to Entrecard news.  More tips and resources will be posted shortly.
  • Entrecard Growth - An interesting look at how the growth of Entrecard is similar to that of Postie/Pay-Per-Post.
  • New Features Roundup - A quick look at the dozens of new features released last week.
  • Ask Graham Langdon, Round 1 - You are given the opportunity to ask the creator of Entrecard any question- from blogging to the U.S. Economy.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Langdon are doing all his best for his fellowship members. Entrecard surely a heaven for all bloggers in this world. With potential of driving 300 - 600 visitors a day, no other programs in the market work like this before.

Anonymous said...

Entrecard is a hot tool to drive traffic to a site, and with some good tips, its leverage can be magnified.