Monday, April 20, 2009

Entrecard Essentially Making Forums Available to Most Active Members

If you were previously an active member in the forum, you will likely find that there are new rules and a revised structure to the forums. This is a move that will likely prevent some new members from sharing thoughts with others, although it had to be done as people were "bashing" one another and sharing negative thoughts on Entrecard.

I don't think that the changes will make any huge difference, as the average user that posts in the forum already is a) an Entrecard member and b) has purchased at least 400 ads.

The only people that this targets are those that want to introduce others to their blog and want to get some insight into the system before joining. They will only be able to access the support areas and none of the other areas.

Details concerning this change can be found here.


suwari said...

I just thinking, how about entrecard create another section where it is post about any contest or giveaway of entrecard? It also reduce the credit in the system. Right?

Entrecard Tips said...

They did have this section, you now have to have 400+ ads purchased and be an "elite" member in order to post in these special areas. For everyone not logged in or not having a more advanced account, you will only be able to view/post in the Support area.

Lilysgramma said...

yeah I was wondering about the 400 ads purchased. Is that real money ads or credit purchased ads. Do you know? I'm not one to complain but I personally think the new forum requirements are totally unfair and ridiculous! Many of the people who need the forum or newbies who need advice. What gives. Any insight on this??

Entrecard Tips said...

It is for 400 Entrecard-credit purchsaed ads (not through the new advertisement system/CPM).

A lot of members are disappointed by the direction that Entrecard is heading but there isn't much we can do about that - many of the changes are internal and beyond our control.

You can only really get unofficial support now through the forums, rather than getting support form other members.

Lilysgramma said...

Ok, thanks so much for the info and all the great updates you have here! Much appreciated! Keep up the good work!!

Jenny said...

Hi. I'm just here visiting your site, and I have to say, I like it a lot. You have some great stuff to check out. So, I invite you to come check out my site. I would love to have you over. :D

John | English Wilderness said...

Locking the forums is bad for Entrecard and the community. I used to be an active member (over 500 posts) but I'm no longer welcome.

I never used the forums to bash Entrecard and it's a shame Entrecard has allowed a small minority of users to spoil it for the rest of us :-(