Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poll: How Much Do You Want Credits to Be Sold At?

Even though it appears as though Entrecard is setting the price for selling credits, how much would you be willing to sell your credits for, no matter how many you have? Prices are per thousand credits, and I've included a number of options.

I am not doing this poll as part of Entrecard, but to see what the average user would be willing to sell his or her credits at.

You can take the poll below or follow this link.


suwari said...

I think this poll should be done in Entrecard blog. So that everyone can join in.

Entrecard Tips said...

They only asked for input from users in the forums and didn't really take much input from the blog. It took less than a minute to create the poll and you can already see that users want credits to be sold at $5/thousand.

Now, this could happen in the future, but for now, there are still millions of "excess" credits in the system.

suwari said...

I have realy AAAAA LOTTTT of excess credit. I would like to help Entrecard as well as me. I got 20 000. If Anyway I can help entrecard, myself and my blog. Please contact me via email:
