Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Main Page for Entrecard

Today, Entrecard updated the main page of their site, with a slightly better tutorial and snapshot of what you can expect from the program. The main page wasn't updated with new blogs for some time, and today, you can now see popular posts from blogs and a categories "cloud".

While the main page may feel like it induces more clutter, it also appears like Entrecard is trying to put more emphasis on the community and networking factor that may evolve further from the system.

Screenshots from Main Page and Introduction Sideshows

Entrecard - Updated Main Page
Main Entrecard Site Changes

Entrecard - Connect Slide
Connect Yourself

Entrecard - Drive Slide
Drive Yourself

Entrecard - Promote Slide
Promote Yourself

Images from Introduction Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

Entrecard - Tour

What are your thoughts on the new tutorial/tour and the "new" home page/landing page for Entrecard? Will it help increase the membership rates or does it add more confusion?

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