Paid ads will soon be a thing of the past, as the new owners are now honoring what users say about the service. This was to become the main source of revenue for Entrecard, although it was meant with a lot of backlash by the long-time members.
During the time that paid ads will be phased out, you will not be able to purchase new paid ads and any ads already purchased will continue to run. From this point forward, you may only use credits to purchase "ads."
Additionally, the cashout service will be dissolved, with the remaining funds used for cashout. Any credits not used for cashout will be returned to your account.
It is still too early to say the direction that the new company wants to take the service, as there are now no ways for the service to monetize. Other than the few hundred dollars the blog may make per month, no long-term plan has been exposed.
Additionally, the homepage has been reverted back to an introduction/ads format, with a stronger focus on attracting new members.
1 comment:
We are doing seo services like 100 directory, 65 Social Bookmarking sites and various article submission for your site to increase your site serp and traffic. Will continoulsy Twit your post on my Twitter account where I've more that 700+ followers. Also I will sumbit all your related niches article to 20 most high traffic blogs. Also your site will be commented daily around in 100+ blogs. If you are interested, please let us know.
Our Package:
1--> 100 Link Submission : 65 Social bookmarking site + 20 blog submission + 15 forum submission = $30 [ proof within 15 days ]
2--> 50 Link Submission : 35 Social bookmarking site + 20 blog submission + 5 forum = $20 [ proof within 20 days ]
3--> 50 Link Sumission : 50 Social bookmarking site = $15 [ proof within 20 days ]
4--> 50 Link Sumission : 50 forum = $35 [ proof within 50 days ]
5--> 20 Link Submission : 10 forum submission + 10 Social bookmarking site = $10 [ proof within 20 days ]
Payments are accepted only via PAYPAL. If you are interested, please let us know.
with regards
Please NOTE:
We provide original proof in an ecxel spredsheet. We take the gaurantee
of providing the proof of Social Bookmarking site submission + 20 Blogs submission in a week after sumbission But do not take any gaurantee for directory sumbission.
Since the webmaster of directory has to indipendently approve your blog / site on his direcotry and it is time consuming method too. So we will only give you
the list of directories that we sumbited your links.
And the payment will be done as soon as we finish with our Social bookmarking and blog submission and we will send the proof.
Please see that no delay in payment takes place. We accept only PAYPAL mode….
Wish you all the BEST
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